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On the contrary, it is not necessary to say and accept everything being offered to you. By doing so, you must be the greediest person in the whole entire universe. By the way, there were many so call wise sayings
concocted by the donkey which may not necessary be grammatically correct due to fact that some had be sourced through the Internet or even from books and etc... after which, cleverly altered in bad English, many a times makes no sense, like in this particular case. Just trying to show off , just because you are the learned man having a PhD and being called a prof, using alliterations to show to the world how smart you are and forgetting the fundamental and rudiment of the English Language. You always forget that grammar is very important even in caption writing, not forgetting the country of origin you came from. Jack Neo took the trouble to poke fun of the basic usage of Singlish by your countrymen, goes to proof that many of you folks including you have grammatical errors made in many of your captions.
Dear donk donk, take your first word "Acceptance" means the act of being accepted or being accepted. Now, replaced "Acceptance" with : "The act of being accepted only happens when an offer is given, be prepared in life offers. What utter rubbish coming from you, shame on you... and yet so many blind so called supporters like your caption. Pleeeaaaase..... Just because you have done so many so called kind deeds to help the physically challenged children warrants you to commit errors in the English Language.
Hello, what you are telling the world that the act of being accepted only happens as and when an offer is given. So, you are proclaiming, like god , that everyone is NOT ACCEPTED if there is no offer being given. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk....... this world will be a miserable place to live in. I, for one, will not want to live in a world with you as my god, proclaiming that I am NOT ACCEPTED if I don't receive an offer.
Donk, donk, you have short circuited your brain after being swollen headed by so much of praises through your fb, is it? Remember, the Word of God teaches you, through the pulpit on Sundays, "Pride before a downfall" and "God will resists the proud and exalts the humble".
Secondly, what nonsense by saying "be prepared in life offers"! Again, you are proclaiming that only be prepared in life if and when there is ever going to be any offer at all. So, if NO OFFER means NO need to be prepared, just live a mundane, miserable, horrible life. You are advocating people to live a NONCHALANT (Malay language equivalent of TIDAK APA ATTITUDE). Goodness gracious... Teaching, proclaiming and encouraging your readers to do A BAD BAD THING, prof... donk donk.
Lastly, you really are bad in your grammar. "life offers" is not correct. All these years of schooling, you have never come across with the part of speech teaching you to use Possessive Nouns. It should be : "life's offers".
Yucks... you really got thick skin like the Great Wall of China.
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